Thursday, May 27, 2010

Memories #4: Charybdis duo

I know duoing Charybdis is nothing special anymore. Hell, even soloing it isn't even special. But way back when...well about 3 years ago; Chickenboy and I did. Poor CB had camped this damned monster for what seemed like ages. And finally all his camping payed off. We got claim, and although it was a long fight, as he was on Ninja and I on Black Mage (which was the only job I had leveled at the time), we killed it. We never even died once. Tebald came along on his Monk, but he just goofed off killing Manta spawns. Monk would have fed Charby WAY too much TP, which would have lead to our deaths. But, back in those days, we 3 were almost always together. It was a really fun fight, and actually the only time I'd duoed it. I've fought him many times, but always in a party and only as a debuffer. It was fun and challenging as a BLM to have to debuff and also keep CB alive and buffed as much as I could. Us 3 always got into fun stuff, and I learned to be a hell of a BLM because of them. I even made up an MP/Healer gear set for our romps into adventure.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Memories #3: CoP Airship Fight

I had a static for the biggest part of the CoP missions. Well, actually, I had a static for the whole of CoP. I lead a small group of people from DirtyTao up to and through the Ouryu fight. Shortly after, DirtyTao died out, and I joined NorthernSun. I then joined a group of people and we were a static for the rest of CoP. This screenshot is from the dreaded Airship fight, during the Ultima portion. I won't go through the fight, but this was the most challenging for my group. It took us 2 days I think and countless tries to finally beat this fight. I know a lot of groups have no problems with this fight, even in pickup groups, so I have no idea why this one was such a challenge for us. But we did it. And it was awesome.

I'm going to go on and say that doing CoP with a group as tight-knit as mine was, was one of the highlights of my career in FFXI. I made my best friends while doing this. There will always be a place in my heart for Tristyn, Mishra, Kildain, Neps, and of course, my Mooner. These CoP missions can and will challenge you and your abilities. Will challenge your friendships. Will challenge your patience. And I wish everyone could have the experience and memories that I do.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Memories #2: Dead in Jeuno

This picture was taken very early in my career. I think I had been playing only a few months, guessing by the Seer's garb. Actually, Tebald and Chickenboy were also very, very new. Tebald was my rl husband's character, and Chickenboy we met pretty much our first day online. Oh, I remember now! We were here for a linkshell meeting! Anywho...Teb had ran down to the Auction House and bought a poison potion, and proceeded to take it to die inside Jeuno. It was hilarious! We sat inside his dead body for the full hour before he homepointed! Good times.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Memories #1: Dynamis

As hard as I've tried, I can't leave Stardust behind. As busy as my life is, I won't be able to bring her back any time soon. But, I've decided to pick one screenshot per post to write about. They will appear in no order, I've just had so many good times and the memories just stick with me. So here goes; post number 1.

This was taken just past the death house in Dynamis-Windurst. If you do Dynamis, you know where this is. This isn't showing the whole group as there are more behind. There were probably around 30-40 people in this linkshell, which was OdinSun. I don't remember this certain run, but we most likely wiped...we usually did due to stupidity during the boss pull.

As much of a long, boring pain in the butt was, I had fun for the most part in Dynamis. I got to be bossy of the other BLM, so that was fun sometimes.