Monday, July 20, 2009

Could use a nap!

So I was going to go see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this Saturday, but my best friend's husband was being a dick. Sucks. I rented The Haunting in Connecticut instead. It sucked. I've seen that movie before, it was called The Amityville Horror. I understand that it was based off a true story, but I was still dissapointed and I believe a lot of it was fabricated for the movie, anyway. It did have the chick that plays in Candyman though, I dig her.

I'm writing this really fast while the game is under maintenance. I have to step out anyway for a while, real life calls, but tonight being Sky night I may not make it back in time. That's what my other leaders are for though, hopefully one of them are on. Speaking of leaders, I'd like to welcome Mooner into leadership of the shell! He's taking Zanen's place and I think he'll do a good job.

Gotta run!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I hit 75 on Red Mage today! Yay! Now to cap it off tomorrow and NEVER EVER PARTY IT AGAIN!

I'll merit with Black Mage or Monk, tee hee.

Sky went well, killed just about every NM there is to kill. We got all but Despot I do believe. Ended up getting like 16 points for the night. I'm proud of my group, they're pretty awesome.

I watched Knowing tonight with Nicolas Cage. It was a very very good movie until the last like, 20 minutes...WTFALIENS?!

Monday, July 13, 2009

No news is good news? Random video links?

Not much to report so far this week. I normally don't play on weekends so, yeah.

RDM to 73 ^^ the next W.legs that drops off Kirin are mine!

We did do Kirin tonight in sky. 35 minutes, we're getting better! Congrats to Wolverine for getting his Osode, Jaisawn for getting his Shura body, and Boneflower for getting her pole!

And now, random FFXI videos that I enjoy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wedding, amongst other things.... start my blog off, I'm going to write about my wedding to Mooner, whom I've been friends with for about 3 years now.

The day started out a little boring. We met Akryi (played by her husband as she wasn't home yet) in Jeuno at the church to do our last rehersal before our meeting with the Wedding Master, and had about an hour to spare before they were suppost to arrive. Mooner spent that time crafting and I chatted with Akyri's husband Krueger about ghost hunting, lol. Akyri gets home and we practice some things a little more. She finally starts getting /tells from the WM, who's getting ready to meet with us.

(Don't ask me why he's naked...)

So the Wedding Master pops up (like a GM, only they're not) wearing a Royal Cloak, which I thought was kind of odd, 2 Sandy rings, and PLD relic boots. Cool, I guess. I thought they could have dressed better but yeah...Anyway, she goes over the rules and what's expected of the guests with Aky then sends her on her way to meet the guests and give them all pearls to the linkshell I made for the day, dirtylittlesecrets. I know, cool name ^^ I'm keeping the shell around for something.

Anyway, while Aky's busy with the guests Mooner and I reherse our vows and actions with the WM, she even praised me for having everything macroed right, lol. We were pretty well off with knowing what to do thanks to my lovely friend, so we ended up waiting and chatting with the WM about things while we waited on our guests.

Time came for them to enter, most of our friends were able to make it. Quite a few of mine that I had invited couldn't show, but that's okay. Mooner was able to invite more of his. They're all mutual friends of mine anyway, so I was okay with it.

Our amazing guests.

We went through our ceremony very well, I only forgot to turn once, lol.

It was really neat, and afterward there were fireworks and dancing!

After the dancing, fireworks, and giftgiving were through, the guests went on their way, and Mooner, Aky, Krue and I stayed behind for more pictures. I wanted one of us and the WM but they left before I could ask. At least she was dancing in the picture above!

After all was said and done, for the honeymoon we went and duoed Appollon NW? NE? I don't remember, I don't do Limbus often, but it was fun! Running around Sea in our formal wear is super cool, too. Not too many people have the RA/EX wedding set. ^^ The rings with our names are awesome, too. They have no stats other than to looks nice, but I have a new "idle" set, now!

After Limbus we talked his brother, Moondaddy, into some ENM'ing! We all but MD had the key item for Boneyard Gully, so we did that one first. We lost due to timing out, so not even a chance for Hagun, but that's okay. I really do need to merit my poor Monk, though. His Samurai was blowing me out of the water! After Boneyard Gully, Mooner was nice enough to lead us up the mountain in Uleguarand Range so we could do Brothers. We all even made it to the ledge without falling the first time! We climbed back up after getting our key items and only had to wait a short time for the weather to go away. Jormy wasn't up, I always get sad when he's not, he's very photogenic!
So we won Brothers very easily and got crap for drops. As usual. I lotted highest on both, a 2k dragon bone and a pretty decent sword that I can use for Red Mage, which I'm keeping.

After the ENM's we went to the Tree for some skilling up, me on club and he on polearm. That didn't last long though because, while we did run into some mutual friends of ours, it was very late and a few of them had AWFUL spam macros and I couldn't take it, so we warped out and ended up bazaaring together all night in Bastok.

Wednesday night was Sky, we did a Kirin. Our first attempt at an *almost* zerg...sort of...the tanks held him still for a while? Our shell just doesn't have the jobs for a true 1-2 minute zerg Kirin, but we normally get him down with little trouble and that's all that matters. I have a very good core group of members and I can't wait to get them their gear! Oh, Schmoopy got her W.legs off Wednesday's Kirin, so CONGRATS to Schmoop!

On a sad note, due to SE's weird random credit card related bannings, my sky linkshell lost a founder/leader/friend. My close friend Zanen, who co-founded the sky shell with me and Moonbath, was banned for no reason that SE will give him. So now we are left 1 leader, and friend, shy. I'll miss you Zan! <3