Monday, November 30, 2009


*for now.

My life has taken some pretty crappy turns money wise, and I've decided that one way to save some money, is to put my FFXI account on hold. It was very sad to deactivate my content IDs, but I know it's not forever.

I've played this game for 4 years now. Stardust is my first and only "main" character; and as silly as it sounds, I've grown attached to her. I even cried when I finalized it all.

I wasn't able to speak with LBW, the leader of my shell, but I did leave him a message and part of the sky bank. Hopefully they'll continue sky, and if not that money deserves to be divided up between our remaining members.

Our sky was going downhill fast. I refrained from blogging about it, because I'd always tried to remain optimistic. That's not the case. We've lost too many members due to some big drama that happened a while back (I'm still not clear on what all happened), leaders disappearing without notice other than: "Oh hey I'm on trial for such-and-such linkshell blah blah blah...", and generally lower and lower attendance. And I'll admit; I'm not the perfect leader. I've actually been AWOL for 3 weeks, but that's because I'm sort-of a coward and didn't want to deal with it.

So yeah, I'm psudo-quitting because of money, but also I'm tired of it all. I'm not trying to put anyone down, and if by chance anyone actually reads this; know that I'm proud of what we created. For a time our sky was unstoppable. And the few dedicated members that stuck around to the end, I'm proud to have been associated with you guys. You're awesome! But the time comes I suppose for every linkshell's demise.

I'm just sorry I'm too coward to tell you "face to face".

Again, if this is actually read; I wish you all the best. Nothing but luck and fortune in your endeavors. I will be back someday, I only hope that you'll accept me back.

With love always,

*I'm not abandoning this journal, I'll continue to write.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?

No recent news as far as my FFXI life. My PC is ill (mal/ad/spyware infections...random other issues) so I haven't played in a while.
I felt the need to update, so I'll leave you with this. I love The Guild and Felicia Day is super awesome.

I'll also leave you with her website, because she's that awesome! *click*

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life on Fenrir

I've been having lots of fun on Fenrir. Hanging out with my brother is always nice.

Anansi has decided to be a Black Mage for a little while, as it levels faster than White Mage. At least until level 18 when she can unlock the ability to use a support job.

The people on the server are all very nice. She's found one linkshell already that's full of super nice people. Aitsukihime made his own linkshell though, so she's been hanging out in there. Hopefully we can build up membership and it can be something great. I've always liked to lead, and I think I could be an asset.

She's also made a new friend! A super nice Hume girl with a ponytail!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stupidly excited about...


I love augments! I just hope they don't make it too difficult for people, especially the more "solo" players.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye, Ian.

My best friend in the world of Vana 'diel, Ianyasha, has decided to move on with his real life and quit the game. I'm very sad to see him go, but I know that the time always comes for people to move on.

I wish him nothing but the best of luck in his endeavors in life.

/salute {egg}{helm}{leader}!